Saturday, November 24, 2012

Laminate the Masik

Slam your knees into it enough times and it could prove troublesome.  The masik in one of my boats broke.  This was somewhat remedied with a wrap of leather and some copper nails.  A far better solution is to craft a more suitable masik in the first place. 

Laminated Masik
A lengthy search resulted in many many approaches to executing this task.  By far the one I like the most is that of Indiana Adventure Dad (This link details his method).  His laminating press worked perfectly.

Step 1: Rip a dozen 3" x 1/8" x 3'. On a table saw these may come out a bit wonky.  Fear not my wonky bits still produced a fine masik and curved deck beam.  Perfectionist I am not!

Step 2: Fasten together two 2" x 12" x 3' boards.

Step 3:  Draw the masik on the boards.

Step 4: Jigsaw the masik opening into the press assembly.

Step 5: Apply masking tape to the press faces. 

Step 6: Load it with a oak and glue sandwich and then use either pipe clamps, ratchet straps or windlasses to form the masik.

Step 7: Allow to dry for a day.

Step 8: Plane, sand and otherwise disguise the wonkyness out of the masik and beam.

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